This is the day I went for my 5th treatment. I fixed myself all up, and was feeling upbeat that day. Everyone had helped convince me that Friday the 13th was a bad day for cancer cells, and a good day for me. I had 5 grandchildren here to greet me when I got home, and I felt pretty good.
Later that night , I was relieved to only have a headache, which is always my first sign that chemicals are invading my body. We all decided to color some pictures.
Damon, my oldest grandchild has spent his entire week creating pictures for me, and he insisted on displaying them on the fridge. He asked for all the magnets we could find.
Our friend Holly Barlow makes a regular visit over to the house every few days, and if anyone has toe nails that need to be polished, she will do a spectacular job for whoever wants it. This is Allie,showing her enthusiasm after telling Holly exactly what she wanted, flowers, colors, and all.
Saturday and Sunday ended up being very good days, I was only a little bit nauseated, and was able to keep a little food down. I made it to 3 hrs of church on Sunday, which was a big blessing, considering this was day 3 after treatment. I had some family from Texas drive up from Vegas and spend the afternoon with us, and I was amazed at how I felt, really not too bad. I was a little sore in my muscles, and a slight headache and mild nausea, but I functioned pretty well the whole day. I think it helped to have people that love me spend time with me.
This is my neice, and nephew, and their mother, who was the first sister in law I ever had. They brought a great spirit to my day. They have a strong belief in God, and Jesus Christ, and we shared stories about how the spirit sustains us.
One other thing made a big difference in my weekend was a priesthood blessing that I had the night before treatment #5. Some of you might think I ask for an awful LOT of blessings, and it's true, I do. They help me so much. I feel such strength from them. I was VERY afraid of how I would react to this new drug called "Taxotere". I was taught in the blessing to exhibit a LOT of faith, if I want to claim the blessings that I have been promised, I thought I was doing pretty good in the faith department, but that goes to show you, we can ALWAYS do better. I am trying to find out what else the Lord wants me to do. Today is day 5 after treatment , and I do feel worse than before, much more nausea, and gosh darn it, anxiety is back. I just have a pit in my stomach all day long. I don't really know what it means, but I am trying all kinds of stuff to fight it. Washing, drying, and folding laundry kind of helped. I am not tired enough to sleep, and yet I don't seem to have enough ambition to remodel my basement. It is very frustrating. Thank you for those who come visit, I think I do better when I have someone to talk to.
I will see the Dr. on Friday, and we'll see if anything is going to change, but as for now, I am not scheduled to have another treatment until July 3rd, so I am going to fly to San Diego, and see my brother get married. We have waited MANY long years for this, and even if I am sick, I want to be there, Jun 27th to see it.
thank you again for even reading this blog, thank you for even caring. It gives me motivation to go on, honestly. Keep leaving little comments, it really makes my day. Thank you again, I love you all.