Monday, April 28, 2008

My experiences so far.....

Thank you all for creating this blog for me, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I sat down to read it out loud to a few of my friends, and I got choked up and couldn't continue. I am overwhelmed with the love that I feel from you. I have decided that having cancer is a blessing. Really, I am witnessing something I have never before seen so clearly. I am seeing the best in everyone!! Cancer brings out the best in people. (Especially me!!) I love looking into the eyes of another and see ONLY good, it's the best feeling. I am trying to engraven this feeling in my soul, so that I will not have to repeat this experience just to re-learn it.
I have had many spiritual experiences, for which I am very grateful. You all know me well enough that I will openly share them all with anyone that wants to hear them :)
Just let me know.
I do want to share one here that touched me recently.
I don't know my scriptures stories really well, but what I did know came to my mind when I needed it. I was resting on the bed listening to the song "Jesus was no Ordinary Man", and when I heard the words, "the power to heal was in his hands", I remembered a story about a man that wanted to be healed and was asked to do something kind of unpleasant in order to be healed. I remembered it was dipping himself in some mud, yeah, it was a muddy river, and it was to be done several times, and all of a sudden I felt an impression that I too, am being asked to "dip" in the muddy river in order to be healed. I could see that chemotherapy is going to be unpleasant. I wasn't sure of the details of the story, so I went outside to talk to Dale about it, who happened to be washing off mud from the patio. He reminded me that the story was from the Old Testament, and it was Naaman that had leprosy, and went to Elisha to be healed. At first he wasn't happy about the "cure", but was persuaded to do it anyway. He was told to "wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean". Dale then asked me how many chemo treatments I have left.......interestingly enough.......... 7......... I had 7 times left to have chemo, WOW................What an interesting time for the Lord to remind me of this story, that I thought I didn't know.
As of today, it is 3 days past treatment #2 (which is the first of the seven that were left). I should feel pretty sick, and even worse than I did with treatment #1, but I feel BETTER... it has to be because of all of your prayers!!! Thank you. There is one sign that I do have that there is many chemicals floating around in my body, and that is that my hair is falling out. I went and had Robert Evans gently wash my hair and "trim" it up, we think it will only last this week and then it will be gone, I feel the tears coming on, not because my hair is beautiful, but because I am afraid of looking like an alien. Heather helped me pick out 5 wigs, and Lisa Evans got me 3 cute turban hats, and Whitney Weaver brought me 7 or 8 scarves, so I should be fine :)
Let me say thanks one more time for today, you all have brought me an AMAZING amount of strength!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all 4-ever, Karen


The Leggs said...

I love you dearly. I am so thankful for your strength and for all you have taught me through the many years. You are an amazingly spriritual person and I know that your faith has inspired me so much.
I will continue with my prayers on your behalf.

Jill Emett said...

Karen - your strength and insight is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your feelings and thoughts with all of us. you are a blessing in all our lives. I love you and will continue to pray for you. Love jill

Holly Woolsey said...

Karen, you seriously amaze me! And yet you always have! You are such a strong woman and I am blessed to know you. I am so glad to hear that this treatment is better than the first. The Lord is truly aware of you and he is blessing you!

Amelia said...

You are so awesome to see the good in all things. I think you had been blessed with that way before the cancer- it is just enhanced, because of the cancer. Keep on truckin' and tell Robert I said hello.

Diane said...

Karen - I am so touched by your thoughts in your entry. Words cannot express my feelings. But I am grateful that this treatment went better for you. I pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to comfort and guide you through this difficult time. Love you, Diane

Laurie said...

So good to visit with you this afternoon. You really are an amazing gal!!! Thank you for sharing with me your special experiences. I certainly left wanting to be a better person and wanting to go to the Temple more...for you, and in turn it will help me and of course those I do the work for :)
Thanks for bouying ME up!! Carry on and know that our prayers continue to be with you. Remember: BALD IS BEAUTIFUL!! Regardless of whether you have hair or not YOU are beautiful!! Love you dear, Laurie

Kristen said...

You are such an amazing woman. I hope you continue to feel good through the other chemo treatments. You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are having a good experience! I always feel funny telling people that during the cancer is some of our happiest and precious times. I get a lot of funny I have someone that can relate! You're doing awesome! Keep it up! :)

Lisa said...

You are amazing! You make me want to be a better person. Thanks for sharing your experience... how cool is that! You have always been able to recognize when the spirit is speaking to you. I am so glad that you feel better than before. The Lord is truly blessing you. We will continue to pray for you.
Love You, Lisa