I started this blog 2 1/2 yrs ago, with the help and encouragement of my daughters. It was intended to be a resource for loved ones to check in and see how I was doing with my cancer treatments without having to bother me in case I was feeling sick. I loved sharing my experiences and used it as an avenue to express gratitude for so many kindnesses shown to me. I got a lot of comments that were VERY uplifting and helpful to my situation.
It's over 2 yrs later now, and I have had to ask myself,
"why do you still have a blog?"
"why do you still have a blog?"
The young moms I notice have a fun place to post their family journal, and others that care can watch each other's families grow up. It is very enjoyable for me to peek in on some of your blogs. It is almost always about all the happy things going on in someones life. I think of it as your "Gratitude Journal", which I believe is a very good thing for all of us to have, public or not.
Then I realized, this Karen the Kancer Killer is really my Gratitude Journal. I still am a cancer patient, just one in remission for now. I hope to never have active cancer again, but cancer has it's own agenda, and no one is guaranteed to be free of it forever. At least not in this life.
Since my health has returned to what some would call "normal", I notice my posts have been about lessons I have learned and continue to learn almost on a daily basis, even though I post once a month, or less.
If you are reading this, I hope you will let me know if you get anything from my posts. I really am doing it for myself, but I also feel so worthwhile if others can benefit from something I say. I get so much, (everything really) from what others say, and I usually try to let them know because almost everyone I meet makes a difference in my life. I think it is human nature to want to feel involved, included and worthwhile to society and others around them.
This lesson I want to share with you today is about a time when I felt like I was "broken". As a matter of fact, it isn't just ONE TIME I felt this. I feel it pretty much on a weekly basis at one time or another. For the last few months, feelings have been HAUNTING me about what a "Loser" I am. When I feel more positive, I think how silly it is that I could even accept such ridiculous thoughts. I am NOT A LOSER! 52 yrs of living has helped teach me the truth.
Yet, I get sucked in time after time. It seems like my own voice is the one that says these nasty things to me.
I looked for pictures in my file to post along with this blog. You might find them funny, it was HARD to find anything about feeling sad because we in this world of ours have learned to celebrate the FUN things in life with PICTURES. so yes, these pics are a little lame, but hear me out, I think I can make a point.
this is Kimmy's friend, Hannah Larsen, one of the most popular and beautiful girls at Desert Hills High School. This was a rare moment when Kimberlee caught her just thinking. The slight smile on her face says she is not really all that sad, but I am sure we all have our "thought provoking" moments.
This is our sweet MISSIONARY.............aaahhh...............it's a joke of course. This pic was taken last Thanksgiving when we celebrate with "bubbly grape juice"
It did make me think of some of us when we might feel like GIVING UP, I know many who drink their cares away, only to have them return the next morning.
Ever felt like taking a drink, a strong drink?
Sometimes do we feel like nothing ever goes right? These 5 siblings were devastated to lose their mother AND father, yes it is very depressing. Most of them don't like to visit their graves, but I insisted. The fact that no one is looking is another reminder that sometimes we try our hardest to get the picture right, or the meal just right , or the kids dressed up and clean and neat, and IT JUST DOESN"T WORK, nothing seems to go right!!!!!!!!!!
This is Kimmy, it looks like she is on her phone, the closest thing I could find with Kimberlee not LAUGHING and smiling in a picture. From her file, you would think her life is NOTHING BUT FUN, and full of everything right.
What we don't document are the moments that we feel rotten. We don't take pictures of that usually.
And it is probably for the best.
Sometimes it feels that whatever I do, I can't "get it together". Then I think, well , I have a whole life time to "Learn to Get it Together"
This is the lesson I have learned. Once you have had cancer, and you know it could return at any time,...............................
Neither do you,............. we never know.................we know that.
So, I decide to do the best I can.
Cancer has taught me to ACCEPT the things I cannot change,
To change the things I can,
And Pray for the Wisdom to know the difference.
I have learned for myself, THE ONE THING I CAN CHANGE IS MY THOUGHTS
That's why it is so helpful to listen to things that others say. It goes into my mind and I think it over, and when I change my thoughts, I change how I feel.
Yep, me, all by myself.............................I CHANGE THE WAY I FEEL.
Before I give you my most recent words from other people that help, let me say,
THIS IS NOT A DESTINATION. Changing the way you feel is a CONSTANT in our life.
I am sure you have heard the only thing constant in our life is CHANGE. (It's almost perfectly true. There are other constants such as GOD'S LOVE, something I am about to address)
I heard a wonderful thought (from someone else)
It says:
"Happiness is a City, in the State of Mind"
One day when I was feeling like a loser, I came across some notes I had taken in a meeting several years ago, pre-cancer as a matter of fact.
These words are from Jeffrey R. Holland, an apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
He has had bad days................he's human.............. he understands.....................
and so does Jesus Christ...............................he had more than a few bad days, and a horrific ending to his earthly life where He experienced ALL of our "BAD" days.
I got the title of this post from one of his comments.
He said,
He started off his message with a verse from a hymn, 4th verse to How Firm a Foundation.
"When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless
And sanctify to thee, thy deepest distress."
Some days we will feel like it's never the dawn of a new day. But when it does,..........................
think of it this way, it's the "Break of Day" that brings new light. (note the word break)
He went on to say, "God loves broken things............He made alot of them. If you feel broken, you've got a lot of company" ( I loved that............I like crowds)
God is with you and is aware of what's broken and He is capable to heal it.
Let's remember how good it is to be "Broken"
he quotes a song written by Kenneth Cope:
"Broken clouds.........give rain.........
Broken soil.............................grows grain..............
Broken storms..........yield light...............
The break of day heals night .........(I LOVE this one) Many nights have been dark to me.
Broken bread feeds man.........................
Broken walls make friends...................................
Last of all..................................Broken is a good thing...................
when we experience a "Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit"
I could never understand this phrase when I was younger.
One day I got it, someone (notice others taught me) was teaching about a
Horse being "Broken", it meant to break their rebellious attitude into a
submissive and cooperative spirit. These horses were transportation
for many that came before us, they are meant to be tame, but we
have to "break" them.
Our hearts are the same.................when it's TOUGH AND HARD and REBELLIOUS,
it's not doing what it is MEANT to do.
A broken heart is easy to mold, and work with.
I made 2 hearts out of fabric to illustrate this in a lesson once.
I made 2 hearts out of fabric to illustrate this in a lesson once.
The one heart was CLEAR FULL of hard dirt. It was hard as a rock
You couldn't move it in any way.
The other heart was soft and pliable.
I understood... The pride is what is "Broken"................
Then, and only then........................are we
I love being taught by others, I want to be teachable
Cancer has helped me be much more teachable................
So on days, (or moments as I like to refer to them.........that way it doesn't ruin a WHOLE DAY)
when you or I feel like we are BROKEN,.....................
remember................GOD LOVES BROKEN THINGS
He made a lot of them. We are in good company.
Let's see if we can take our "Brokenness" and turn it into GOOD.
I believe we can.
Even though I don't know who is reading this right now, I feel LOVE
for you, isn't that strange?
I feel so grateful for all of you that have taught me so many lessons.
I don't come up with all these ideas by myself.
We are a team................we help each other........... I love that.
It reminds me of a verse of scripture
"Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not."
I hope to get some feedback, not because I need to be validated, but
because your words feed my soul, and teach me.
Mom, those are some great thoughts. I love that quote, "everything that's broken gets fixed." It seems like everyone is struggling and everyone has things that need to be fixed (myself included). Thank goodness there is a way...
My favorite part of Lamb of God is when the Savior raises Lazarus from the dead and the choir goes into the song, "I am the Resurrection." It makes the story so personal. And so powerful.
Thanks, I love you!
I love reading your posts, Karen! And it is good to know there CAN BE life after cancer. I have referred several people who are going through similar situations to your blog. It is good to see the before and the after so I definitly think you should keep it up! :)
I love reading your blog and learning from your wisdom and experiences, Karen! That concept of being broken and fixed got me thinking. Sometimes I feel like I have to be "fixed up" all the time (like my first car, an old 1986 Ford Tempo). Each repair requires a different new part to be purchsed for a price...some are big repairs and others small. But eventually I'll have enough new "parts" and "body work" to be worth a Mercedes! (Kylen's real proud that I used cars for this analogy...hee hee!)
I have trying really hard lately to work on my thoughts and attitude. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my kids, but I struggle major on the patience part. I constantly have to think to myself what an honor it is to be these little boys mom. And, if I over react to something, not be afraid to go apologize to Nathan about whatever it is. I am constantly feeling like discouraged and not a good enough wife, mom, person. But, I know as long as I continue to try to be positive and create a LOVING environment for my family that slowly, but surely my thoughts will be happier and just all around I (and my family) will be happier!
Thanks for the post! Always love to hear your wisdom!
I love it when you share your "cancer wisdome!" I thought i'd add my two cents in. Well, most of it is from Elder Holland's talk, "Broken Things to Mend" which is just fantastic, but goes right along with what you're saying. Here's a few of my favorite quotes.
"It seems clear that the essence of our duty and the fundamental requirement of our mortal life is captured in these brief phrases from any number of scenes in the Savior’s mortal ministry. He is saying to us, “Trust me, learn of me, do what I do. Then, when you walk where I am going,” He says, “we can talk about where you are going, and the problems you face and the troubles you have. If you will follow me, I will lead you out of darkness,” He promises. “I will give you answers to your prayers. I will give you rest to your souls.”
My beloved friends, I know of no other way for us to succeed or to be safe amid life’s many pitfalls and problems. I know of no other way for us to carry our burdens or find what Jacob in the Book of Mormon called “that happiness which is prepared for the saints.”
And here's another one that I think our family really needs right now:
"Second, we must change anything we can change that may be part of the problem. In short we must repent, perhaps the most hopeful and encouraging word in the Christian vocabulary. We thank our Father in Heaven we are allowed to change, we thank Jesus we can change, and ultimately we do so only with Their divine assistance. Certainly not everything we struggle with is a result of our actions. Often it is the result of the actions of others or just the mortal events of life. But anything we can change we should change, and we must forgive the rest. In this way our access to the Savior’s Atonement becomes as unimpeded as we, with our imperfections, can make it. He will take it from there."
You'll have to read the talk!! But I had a very strong witness last week that the Savior can heal ANYTHING and that the atonement is so much grander than we can even comprehend. It was really cool. That's truly incredible. Thanks for sharing this tonight!
Sorry, I accidentally posted the same comment 4 times and had to delete the other 3. Oh yeah, and I also forgot to say that I love what you said about changing your thoughts in order to change your feelings. That is a profound truth, and while it is sometimes hard, I bet it gets easier with practice, and we all need to know how to do that better. Talk about a GREAT thing to want to have control over!
What a great post Karen....you're a great writer and so full of wisdom. I haven't looked at your blog for a long time :( sorry...good food for thought for the evening....I heard you have a new calling....what is it?
Thanks again for the thought provoking ideas you shared....need to ponder some more on that.
Love you dear!!
You should be a guest teacher to teach my kids persuassive writing and get them ready for the state DWA (Direct Writing Assessment) test!
Check out my blog, and see our adventures at Clear Creek (near Price)
I don't think you fully realize what a great impact you have on so many people. I love to be around you and I love reading your blog. It was fun to ride to Vegas on the shuttle with you. What a good surprise!
I read, I learn from, and love your blog. It takes a lot of courage and selflessness not just to go thru all of the trials you have been through, but to share them with the world so we can feel your spirit and see His miracles in action. Thanks for bearing and sharing your heart and soul and testimony with all of us. Don't stop!
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